Best Prophecy Website




The Best Prophecy Website

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"For these be the days of vengeance."

(Luke 21:22)


  The Saxon pioneers who founded our nation were God-fearing men who gathered together one day every week to worship a powerful and vengeful God. But the Bible says that in the Last Days men will "have a form of godliness" but "deny the power thereof" and thus the powerful God of our founders would no longer be feared.

   The Bible traces God's blessing as it was passed down from Abraham to Isaac, Isaac to Jacob, Jacob to Joseph, and finally from Joseph to Ephraim, and thus it was Ephraim (the U.S.) that was destined to become the most powerful nation on Earth.

   In the 1960s however America began to move away from faith in God, and toward faith in science. Atheism began to increase in American society, as socialists appeared in America's schools and universities, and began teaching our children that it is scientifically impossible to breech the bonds of time to foretell future events, thus teaching them that Bible prophets were the authors of fantasy.

   Satan has led the world into sin, and the prophets warn that God will soon visit His vengeance upon those who spend the Sabbath enjoying their wealth, instead of thanking the One who provided it. The Christians who obeyed God's laws will find their salvation in the Bible our founders relied upon to help them resist Satan's many deceptions.

   The children of the Great Deceiver tell us that science can save us from disaster, but recent events have shaken the confidence of many in the ability of science to solve our problems. Life is a test to see if we will give in to Satan's deceptions and follow him down the road to Hell. Satan controls the power of the air, and at the other end of those cable wires serving your home, lies a satellite dish receiving signals from the air. So if you'd like to expose some of the deceptions now being promoted in the media, and also taught to your children, just click on the links below to reveal the truth behind the many deceptions now being spread through the miracles of science and technology:



Why haven't we converted to Metric?

When is Armageddon and WWIII?

What caused Global Warming?

Is it Evolution or Creation?

Is the Exodus a Myth?

Prophet, or Fraud?

The NYC attacks



Is America the New Israel?

The Stone of Destiny

Revelation Chap. 13

The 1st Antichrist

The 2nd Antichrist

The Prophet Daniel

The Last Days

The End



What's wrong with our nation?

The Fatima Prophecies

A "chastisement" of Rome?

The Marxist Plan for America

The President and the Pope

Have the Ottomans returned?

Things that are true

Things that are not true

Was Joseph Jewish?

A Remnant of the Old South

The Year Without a Summer

The Great Disappointment

Rhymes and Reasons

The October 7th "Surprise"





In 2024 (posted 3/15/2024):
Signs in the sky signal revolutionary national change?

In 2023 (posted 1/1/2023):
Forget Russia, N.K., and China! Watch out for Islamic terrorists!

In 2022 (posted on 1/1/2022):
Is the world prepared for an upcoming shortage of money and food?

In 2021 (posted on 2/13/2021):
Will the Catholic Church continue to ignore its own prophecies?

In 2020 (posted on 1/15/2020):
Can a Schiff convince American capitalists to create a "socialist" U.S.A?

In 2019 (posted on 1/01/2019):
Doctors still don't know what animal hosted the Polio (AFM) virus.

In 2018 (posted on 1/27/2018):
WWIII is not U.S./NATO vs. Russia, but instead is U.S./Russia/NATO vs. ISIS.

In 2017 (posted on 5/17/2017):
Are St. Malachy, Fatima, and Nostradamus all describing Rome's ruin?

In 2016 (posted on 4/1/2016):
Will pope Francis lose his temper, and insult Muslims?

In 2015 (posted on 3/11/2015):
It's for your own good, Big Brother's wristband was designed to help you!

In 2014 (posted on 2/12/2014):
A house of glass shall come to pass, in England, but alas, alas...

In 2013 (posted on 2/28/2013):
Prepare the way for "papa Pedro" from South America!

In 2012 (posted on 12/12/2012):
Are we restoring the Ottoman empire by removing it's dictators (WWIII)?

In 2011 (posted on 1/1/2011):
Will government by corporations eventually lead us to Soylent Green?

In 2010 (posted on 9/1/2010):
Do you know that the next pope (Peter) will be the LAST POPE of the Roman Catholic Church?

In 2009 (posted on 6/1/2009):
Is the world going to end in 2012? NO! (Hint: Hebrew prophecies run until 2055 A.D.!)

In 2008 (posted on 1/1/2008):
Has the 10th planet of our solar system, Vulcan, already been discovered (Last Days)?

In 2007 (posted on 12/1/2007):
Do you know that Global Warming caused the world's oceans to rise almost 10 ft. after 1000 AD?

In 2006 (posted on 9/1/2006):
Are you prepared for the upcoming worldwide economic depression?


All the above predictions were posted BEFORE the events occurred.


  In a world where God's rules are obeyed, there are no wars, diseases, or natural disasters to plague society. The Holy Scriptures tell us that man does not strive with God, and over time human society has drifted far away from God's laws. We are now entering the Days of Vengeance, when God's judgements will be delivered upon men, nations, and even churches for their continued offenses against Him. The clock is ticking and the Harvest is fast approaching. Everyone will have to choose the path they will follow. The wicked will choose the path that leads to death and destruction, while the wise will choose the path that leads to Eternal Life. Click on one of the secure book links on this webpage to purchase one of Edward Oliver's books packed with over 370 pages of carefully researched facts about your past and future, to finally learn the truth about the many clever lies and deceptions being promoted in the media by the Devil's minions who are profiting quite handsomely on the gullibility of the American public.


Copyright 2004-2025 Edward Oliver

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