Best Prophecy Website

The Best Prophecy Website

Welcome to the ONLY prophecy website that's NEVER been wrong


  This website has never been wrong because it is based on Hebrew prophecy. The Hebrew prophets are the only reliable source of truth in this world controlled by the Great Deceiver. The Saxons (Isaac's-sons) who founded this nation believed in a powerful and vengeful God, but Christians today believe in a God who loves them and forgives sins without any punishment. The Bible records that God's blessing was passed down from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Joseph and lastly to Ephraim. Ephraim (America) was therefore destined to become the most powerful nation on Earth. But in the Last Days it was predicted that America would "have a form of godliness," but "deny the power thereof" (2 Tim. 3:5). In the year 1960, America began a national movement away from faith in God, and toward faith in science. The power of God gave way to the power of science as atheism crept into American society. The traditional American family was changed as mom went to work and her children were dropped off at daycare. The electronic media became the main source of information for the masses, and socialism was taught in America's universities. But were we being taught truth or deception? If you'd like to free yourself from the deception that is now threatening the security of our nation, click on the links below to expose some of the many deceptions that are now being presented as truth to a gullible American public:


Will Climate Change doom man?

When is Armageddon & WWIII?

Is the Metric System evil?

Evolution or Creation?

Is the Exodus a Myth?

Prophet, or Fraud?

The NYC Attacks



Did the Flood Really Happen?

Was Jesus Jewish?

Is America the New Israel?

The Stone of Destiny

Revelation Chap 13

The 1st Antichrist

The 2nd Antichrist

The Daniel Prophecies

Signs of the Last Days

End Time



What's wrong with our nation?

The Fatima Prophecies

A "chastisement" of Rome?

Khrushchev's Plan for America

Things That Are True

Things That Are Not True

The President and the Pope

The "Surprise" October 7th Raid

A Remnant of the Old South

The Year Without a Summer

The Great Disappointment

Rhymes and Reasons



In 2024 (posted 3/15/2024):
Signs in the sky signal revolutionary national change?

In 2023 (posted 1/1/2023):
Forget Russia, N.K., and China! Watch out for Islamic terrorists!

In 2022 (posted on 1/1/2022):
Is the world prepared for an upcoming shortage of money and food?

In 2021 (posted on 2/13/2021):
Will the Catholic Church continue to ignore its own prophecies?

In 2020 (posted on 1/15/2020):
Can a Schiff convince American capitalists to create a "socialist" U.S.A?

In 2019 (posted on 1/01/2019):
Doctors still don't know what animal hosted the Polio (AFM) virus.

In 2018 (posted on 1/27/2018):
WWIII is not U.S./NATO vs. Russia, but instead is U.S./Russia/NATO vs. ISIS.

In 2017 (posted on 5/17/2017):
Are St. Malachy, Fatima, and Nostradamus all describing Rome's ruin?

In 2016 (posted on 4/1/2016):
Will pope Francis lose his temper, and insult Muslims?

In 2015 (posted on 3/11/2015):
It's for your own good, Big Brother's wristband was designed to help you!

In 2014 (posted on 2/12/2014):
A house of glass shall come to pass, in England, but alas, alas...

In 2013 (posted on 2/11/2013):
Prepare the path for papa Pedro!

In 2012 (posted on 12/12/2012):
Are we restoring the Ottoman empire by removing it's dictators (WWIII)?

In 2011 (posted on 1/1/2011):
Will government by corporations eventually lead us to Soylent Green?

In 2010 (posted on 9/1/2010):
Do you know that the next pope (Peter) will be the LAST POPE of the Roman Catholic Church?

In 2009 (posted on 6/1/2009):
Is the world going to end in 2012? NO! (Hint: Hebrew prophecies run until 2055 A.D.!)

In 2008 (posted on 1/1/2008):
Has the 10th planet of our solar system, Vulcan, already been discovered (Last Days)?

In 2007 (posted on 12/1/2007):
Do you know that Global Warming caused the world's oceans to rise almost 10 ft. after 1000 AD?

In 2006 (posted on 9/1/2006):
Are you prepared for the upcoming worldwide economic depression?


All the above predictions were posted BEFORE the events occurred.


   In a world where God's rules are obeyed, there are no wars, diseases, or natural disasters to plague society. The Holy Scriptures tell us that man does not strive with God, and over time human society has drifted far away from God's laws. We are now entering the Days of Vengeance, when God's final Judgements will be delivered upon His people (and their churches) who disobeyed Him. The clock is ticking, and the Harvest is fast approaching. We'll have to choose which path we will follow. The wise will choose the narrow way that leads to Eternal Life, and the wicked will choose the broad way that leads only to death and destruction. Don't be deceived. Just click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order a book by Edward Oliver and finally learn the truth behind the many deceptions now being promoted in the national media.


Copyright 2004-2024 Edward Oliver