Heed the prophets and save lives.
Was the Catholic Church warned in the 1960s about sexual abuse going on within its ranks? The first Garabandal vision was received in 1961 by four innocent young farm girls in the remote village of Garabandal, Spain, who were warned in a vision of the Virgin Mary, that many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests, were committing serious sins within the Church, and that the Church might suffer the future wrath of God if something was not done. In 1965 a final vision involved the archangel Michael who warned that where before the cup of sin was filling up, it was now running over, and that the Vatican would suffer a future "chastisement" if these sins were allowed to continue.
"The Church may suffer the future wrath of God because many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are following the path to perdition and are taking many other souls along with them."
The Angel of Garabandal
The prophecies of Garabandal were similar to the prophecies of Fatima (that were also received by innocent young children) but the Garabandal visions weren't well received by Pope John XXIII who wasn't anxious to approve these visions describing problems within the Catholic Church. Decades later it would ultimately be revealed that a coverup of sexual abuse involving priests, bishops, and cardinals, had indeed been going on within the Roman Church since the early 1960s, and the abuses had involved hundreds of thousands of innocent young victims.
Hebrew prophecies were meant to serve as warnings about future events. The Vatican has ignored these visions involving a Judgement upon Rome. If you want to learn more about history, and how these prophecies might affect your future, click one of the secure book links on this webpage and order your book by Edward Oliver to help warn the Vatican to increase its security forces to ward off this possible future attack.
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