The Stone of Destiny


The Stone of Destiny


   Is the history of Scotland related to prophecy? For many centuries men have been captivated by tales of mysterious holy relics like the famous Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Unfortunately these holy relics cannot be located in modern times. There is however one holy relic that has survived into the modern era and still exists in Great Britain today. The ancient Stone of Destiny predates all other holy objects, and carries with it a biblical destiny and history that is truly the stuff great legends are made of.


    "And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it."
                                                                                          Gen. 28:18 KJV


   The significance of the Stone of Destiny is deeply rooted in Bible prophecy, for this stone is thought to carry God's blessing upon those who possess it and it is destined to follow God's blessed people on their long journey through history. Jacob used the stone as a pillow one night when he slept in the desert on a trip from Harab to Bethel (Gen. 28:18). Jacob's stone ended up in King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, but was removed from the Temple when Jerusalem was invaded by the Babylonians in 580 BC. The stone was taken to Egypt and then to Ireland, along with King Zedikiah's daughter Tea Tephi, who was wed to the Irish King Eochaide.

   The royal line of David was thus preserved upon a world throne as predicted by the Hebrew prophets who told us this throne would be preserved until the Lord's return. The Stone of Destiny then followed a long line of Scottish and English kings and was used to coronate Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. As a part of the coronation ceremony for Queen Elizabeth, the Archbishop of Canterbury recited the following prayer:


    "Oh Lord and Heavenly Father, exalter of the humble and the strength of thy chosen, who by anointing with this oil didst of old, make and consecrate, kings, priests, and prophets, to teach and govern thy people, Israel. Bless and sanctify thy chosen servant Elizabeth, who by our office and ministry is now to be anointed with this oil".


   In 1950, a young female student activist and two other students were involved in a plot to remove the Stone of Destiny from its home in Westminster Abbey and return it to Scotland. During the theft the Stone of Destiny was dropped and the stone was broken into two pieces. Queen Elizabeth eventually allowed the stone to be stored in Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, but it was agreed that the royal stone would be returned to London to be used in the next coronation of a British monarch. It was used in the most recent coronation of King Charles III, but any reference to Charles being the king of the British Isrealites was apparently left out of the prayers used during the coronation for purposes of "political correctness." If you'd like to know more about how the Stone of Destiny is linked to the destiny of the tribes of Joseph in the End Time, order a book by Edward Oliver from Amazon, or click the secure book link below to purchase Edward Oliver's book "Prophets and Frauds" and read the truth behind events happening in your world today.








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