Was Miller right after all?
Reverend William Miller (1782-1849) was a brilliant man who attempted to decipher the Daniel prophecies. Miller's discoveries still form the basis for most modern interpretations of the book of Daniel today. Miller studied the Bible in great depth for many years, and announced that he had successfully deciphered the prophetic codes of the book of Daniel revealing the time of The End. Miller preached his theory in the churches of New England and found many people very receptive to it. But Miller would eventually fail because of an unfortunate typographical error that had occurred during the translation of our English Bibles from the original Greek Septuagint text.
Miller and his followers proclaimed that the end of the last beast of Revelation 13 would occur around the year 1845, and that this great event would be preceeded by a "Rapture" of God's followers up to heaven at exactly midnight on October 22nd, 1844. Many Millerites sold all their worldly goods and trekked up to the hilltops of New England dressed in white ascention robes, patiently waiting to be Raptured up to heaven. When midnight came and the Rapture did not occur, Miller and his followers were forced to suffer the laughs and jeers of local townfolk who were greatly amused by Miller's great folly.
In the year 1800 Americans considered the Catholic Church and it's papacy to be the most evil entity on Earth. Reverend Miller's calculations for the date of the end of the last of the "transgressors" against God's people were based upon the 2300-year prophecy contained in Daniel 8:14, giving the exact year of the destruction of the "whore" of Revelation 17. It turns out that Reverend Miller was actually correct in his mathematical calculations but unfortunately fell victim to a typographical error that occurred during the Bible translation from the original Greek Septuagint text. Rev. Miller was therefore misled on the correct identity of the last of the transgressors.
If you'd like to learn more about how Reverend Miller may have been more correct than most people realize, click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver and learn how the Reverend Miller contributed to a better understanding of the prophecies of Daniel.
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