"Only the truth can set you free."
1. The CIA Director warned the White House about the upcoming 9/11 attack in an emergency meeting held on July 10, 2001.
2. Iraq's president Saddam Hussein announced the 9/11 attack on a U.S. newscast aired months before the attack occurred.
3. Erika Cheetham warned about the New York City terrorist attacks in a Nostradamus book published in the U.S. in 1981.
4. In 1555, the prophet Nostradamus described the 9/11 targets as "two great stone-monoliths" in the "City of New York."
5. The astrologer Jeane Dixon predicted the 1963 JFK assassination in the May 13th, 1956 edition of Parade Magazine.
6. The "Cycle of the Presidents" prophecy that predicted the fate of JFK, also predicted the fate of President Reagan.
7. The maker of the pope's favorite film "Babette's Feast" is also the maker of the pornographic film "Det Kaere Legetoj".
8. In Africa, population control is effectively achieved and maintained by famine, disease, and ongoing religious wars.
9. Covid-19 arose from a polluted lake above a dam supplying electricity to factories sent to China under U.S Pres. Clinton.
10. In 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused entry to a ship filled with German Jews trying to escape the NAZI Holocaust.
11. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington all committed treason against their government (King George III).
12. (Significant only to people who follow prophecy) Bill Clinton's presidential advisor was also known as "Old Serpent Head."
13. The so-called "Asian" conqueror Ghengis Kahn who led his Mongol armies in raids across China and India, was a Caucasian.
14. The pharoah that Moses asked to "Let my people go," was a woman.
Believe it or not, all the above facts are true. If you would like to learn the true facts behind the many deceptions currently being distributed by the media and unfortunately also taught to our children, simply click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.
Copyright 2004-2025 Edward Oliver