A 1200-year natural cycle.
Make way for the "kings of the east".
Are carbon emissions causing our planet to warm up? Sorry, but the record of history says no. If you check back in world history you will find that 1000 years ago the world climate was much warmer than it is today. In 1000 A.D. when the Vikings discovered a huge island in the North Atlantic they named it "Greenland" because it was covered with green grassland that allowed them to graze the cows they had brought with them. History also records the fact that Earth has experienced many extreme temperature cycles in it's geological past, and that during the last Ice Age a layer of ice more than two miles deep covered most of North America.
Geological history records three types of "Ice Ages" that occur on a regular schedule. Our most recent Ice Ages occurred on a 120,000 year schedule, with each Ice Age followed by 10 smaller 12,000-year "Interglaciation Ages." These lesser Interglaciation Ages in turn, each contained 10 smaller 1200-year "Little Ice Ages." The last Little Ice Age occurred around the year 1600 A.D. and restored our planet's polar ice caps. It also lowered global sea levels, and caused the Viking settlements on Greenland to be abandoned, as the island turned back into the "whiteland" we know it as today.
Prior to the Little Ice Age of 1600 A.D. Earth underwent a 1200-year long period of Global Warming. Between the Little Ice Age of 400 A.D. and the Little Ice Age of 1600 A.D. Earth experienced a gradual warm up. As global sea levels began to rise in 950 A.D., Holland's farmers had to build earthen dikes around their delta farmland to keep salt water from ruining their crops. Dutch engineers used windmills to pump the annual springtime floodwaters up over the dikes and into the sea. But as the sea continued to rise in the next few centuries it would eventually require more than 10,000 windmills to perform this annual task.
Historical records also show that Antarctica was once free of ice. Archeologists have now uncovered numerous Asian sailing maps drawn up prior to the 1600 Little Ice Age that show Antarctica's shores without any ice. And a world map drawn by the cartographer Oronteus Finaeus in 1531, records the ice-free continent of Antarctica correctly oriented toward South America almost 300 years before it's modern discovery in 1820. Climate Change supporters have tried to "burn the books" of history to support their climate agenda, but it is a fact that almost every day as the world's glaciers are melting, they expose additional archeological evidence from the 1500s and earlier, that was left there before these glaciers formed.
The Little Ice Age of 1600 A.D. restored Earth's polar ice packs and buried Antarctica under a mile deep layer of snow and ice. It also lowered world sea levels and turned the 10,000 windmills of Holland into useless relics. The windmills in Holland were soon torn down or turned to other uses. Less than 1200 windmills are still standing in Holland today, and they now serve mainly as tourist attractions.
We are now in an interim period when our planet is slowly warming back up again. The issue of Global Warming first arose when scientists monitoring Earth's surface temperatures noted a gradual increase in those temperatures accompanied by a gradual rise in carbon levels in Earth's atmosphere. Scientists quickly decided that the rising carbon levels were causing an increase in temperatures on our planet. It apparently didn't occur to anyone that the exact opposite might be true and that the rise in temperature might be the true cause of Earth's rising carbon levels. Ice core samples taken from Earth's polar ice caps have now proven that carbon levels during the warmth of the Jurassic Period were more than four times higher than today's carbon levels, providing even more evidence that man-made carbon emissions are not the true cause of Climate Change. Temperature cycles on Earth are controlled by the cycles of the Sun, from the 120,000 year Ice Ages down to the 12 year (not 11 year) Sunspot Cycle, it is the Sun that actually controls Climate Change.
DECEPTION: Global Warming is caused by man.
THE TRUTH: Global Warming is controlled by God.
The dramatic 1200-year rise and fall of world temperatures throughout history is also documented in the Bible where we learn the Hebrews of the Exodus could not escape Egypt because the Red Sea Canal was connected to the Mediterranean Sea at that time because global warming had raised the world's sea levels 15 to 20 feet above today's levels. And now as the world's sea levels are once again rising, and our rivers are going dry, could this be an omen of a Last Days prophecy that may soon come to pass?
"And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."
Rev. 16:12 KJV
As the river Euphrates continues to dry up, it will not be long before the Iranians (Persians) will be able to easily cross over it with their 1500 tanks and 2000 armed military vehicles to join in the battle of Armageddon.
In a world where God's rules are obeyed, there are no wars, diseases, or natural disasters to plague society. The Holy Scriptures tell us that man does not strive with God, and over time human society has drifted far away from God's laws. We are now entering the Days of Vengeance, when God's judgements will be delivered upon men, nations, and even churches for their continued offenses against Him. The clock is ticking and the Harvest is fast approaching. Everyone will have to choose the path they will follow. The wicked will choose the path that leads to death and destruction, while the wise will choose the path that leads to Eternal Life. Click on one of the secure book links on this webpage to purchase one of Edward Oliver's books packed with over 370 pages of carefully researched facts about your past and future and finally learn the truth about the many clever lies and deceptions being promoted in the media by the Devil's minions who are profiting quite handsomely on the gullibility of the American public.
Copyright 2004-2025 Edward Oliver