Nostradamus Rome Attack


A Rome Attack

Is the Vatican ignoring its own prophecies?


   In the 1990s the French prophet Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566), also known as Nostradamus, was the most popular search on the Internet because it was feared the End of the World might occur on December 31, 1999 with the arrival of the Year 2000 Millennium. While Nostradamus didn't predict the world would end in the year 2000, he did predict that in the 21st century the Vatican would issue an inflammatory statement against a religious competitor, and that this statement would result in an invasion of the Vatican by soldiers who would "ruin" Rome. The quatrain below details this event that may take place in the future:



   Whereas vast Rome, thy ruin approaches,

   Ou vaste Romme, ta ruyne s'approche,

   Not of thy walls, but of thy blood and substance,

   Non de tes murs, de ton sang substance,

   The bite of thine utterings will be such a horrible snip,

   L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche,

   The point of the blade thrust all the way to the handle.

   Fer poincte mis a tous jusques au manche.




   Quatrain #10-65: In this quatrain Nostradamus describes the ruination of Rome as a result of inflammatory remarks made by the pope about Rome's enemies. Those offended by the pope's remarks would seek revenge by attacking the holy city.


   In addition to the Nostradamus prophecy above, there are three more prophecies stored in the Vatican library that also predict the ruin of Rome. A 1917 prophecy received in Fatima, Portugal by three young shepherd children, describes a Rome in ruins and a pope being marched through the city by soldiers who execute the pope. In another series of visions received by four farm girls in Garabandal, Spain from 1961 through 1965, the "Virgin Mary" warned that many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests, were following the path to perdition, and taking many other souls along with them (the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal), and that the future "wrath of God" might fall upon the Church for those sins. And most frightening of all, the 1143 A.D. prophecy of Saint Malachy predicted that the attack might occur under the papacy of our present pope, Francis I.




"The Church may suffer the future
"wrath of God" because many
cardinals, many bishops and
many priests are following the
path to perdition and are taking
many other souls along with

               The Angel of Garabandal


   Every day it seems that someone new is attacking the Catholic Church. Its own parishoners are angry about the abuse of hundreds of thousands of children by priests, bishops and cardinals who abused, and covered up the abuse of young children for over five decades beginning in the early 1960s in the United States. It is also a fact that in Canada, the Church was accused of abusing native children in residential schools operated by the Catholic Church for the purpose of converting native children to Catholicism. A recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia has also placed the Vatican in opposition to Russian Orthodox Christians, and also Chechnyan Muslims, who are trying to defeat the former stand-up comic "socialist" leader of Ukraine whom they accuse of spreading "Satanic immorality" throughout that Western nation.

   The Internet is filled with websites warning about these threats to Rome, but the Pope has chosen to ignore them. Pope Francis has not acknowledged these warnings, in spite of the fact that some of them came out of the Vatican's own vaults. If you would like to learn more about what the Hebrew prophets predicted for the future of Rome, click on one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.




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