What doctors didn't know.
Most of our modern disease epidemics have arisen for the same reason as the Bubonic Plague epidemic of the 1300s that wiped out approximately one quarter of Europe's population. The Bubonic plague arose from an overpopulation of rats. The animal world is kept in balance by numerous natural mechanisms. An overpopulation of animals can cause nature to respond with a disease to cull excess animal numbers and restore the balance between animal populations and their environment. These diseases are called "zoonotic" because they arise from the animal world and can transfer into the human population. In our modern high tech world we certainly don't have to worry about the human ignorance that caused the Bubonic plague of the 1300s, or do we?
In the early 1970s doctors in southwestern Connecticut struggled with hundreds of new cases of "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis" in young children, but the cause of this crippling disease always remained a mystery. Then in 1975, a sudden increase in cases in the small town of Lyme, Connecticut caused doctors to launch an investigation into finding a cause for this epidemic. Doctors first noticed that most of the cases were occurring in children who played near wooded areas. It was soon determined that in all cases, the children had been bitten by a tick just prior to the development of the disease. Lyme disease is caused by a microbe known as a "spirochete" that also causes similar diseases like Syphilis, Yaws, and Leptospirosis which can lie dormant within the body for many years and damage the body's organs over time.
Lyme Disease was mistakenly labelled as "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis" for many years because doctors failed to take notice of changes taking place within the animal world around them. These changes resulted from irresponsible actions by New York City animal activists who wanted to impose their will upon the natural system. In spite of many advances in the field of medicine, most modern medical professionals still fail to understand that nearly all modern diseases result from ignorance of natural laws. If the doctors in southwest Connecticut had taken better notice of changes taking place in the natural system around them, they would have identified the original host animal for Lyme disease and been able to stop the spread of this dangerous disease.
Most medical professionals still do not understand the important role that disease mechanisms play in God's perfectly balanced natural system. We need to realize the importance of monitoring what's going on in the natural environment that surrounds us. The diseases we allow to exist in the natural environment can and will affect our health. Only by monitoring the state of the ecosystem can we avoid the specter of zoonotic diseases. If you'd like to learn the identity of the original host animal for Lyme disease, and all the other zoonotic diseases like Polio, West Nile Virus, EEE, Chronic Wasting Disease, and the many other plagues that have taken their toll of human lives through history, simply click one of the secure links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver, and learn the truth about how modern disease epidemics begin.
Copyright 2004-2025 Edward Oliver