The Khrushchev Prophecy

Schools will become indoctrination centers.

"..we will destroy you from within."


   In the early 20th century, the Jews of Russia were not allowed to participate in its banking system. So Jacob Schiff, a New York City banker, came up with a clever plan to take down the government of a Western nation, by using the army of an Eastern nation to accomplish the task. Schiff invested in the Kure and Mitsubishi shipyards of Japan to build the largest naval fleet in the world. The Japanese were then able to attack and overwhelmingly defeat the Russian navy at the battle of Tsushima Bay in 1905. Russia's Tsar Nicholas was blamed for the military loss, and a civil revolt in 1905 led to the Revolution of 1917, that allowed the Marxists Lenin and Trotsky to force Tsar Nicholas to abdicate. Marxists were then able to establish a new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), and Jews were finally allowed access to Russia's banking system.

   In a Socialist state the money earned by workers is claimed by the state and redistributed to everyone. This policy reduces the incentive to work and invariably produces a failed economy which in turn usually leads to public support for a military dictatorship. In Russia it was dictator Joseph Stalin who took over and acted to advance the cause of Socialism in America by using Marxist agents who were already U.S. citizens. One of Stalin's first successful operations was a plot to spy (Greenglass/Rosenberg) on the "Manhattan Project," and send nuclear secrets to Russia allowing the Russians to establish their nuclear arsenal only four years after that of the U.S.

   Stalin died in 1953 and was replaced by Nikita Khrushchev. Not long afterward Khrushchev announced that he had a plan to "take America without firing a shot." In the U.S.S.R. all women were forced to work in factories so their children could be educated in a government school system where they were educated in Marxist doctrines. To establish this same structure within the U.S., Khrushchev had Marxist supporters agitate for feminine rights, encouraging America's mothers to exit their homes and enter the workplace. This effort was highly successful, and culminated in the "Women's Strike for Equality" in 1970, spearheaded by Betty Friedan.


"Now the Serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field.."
                                                Gen. 15:13 KJV


   It wasn't long before mothers who once nurtured their children in a secure home environment and brought them to church on Sunday now simply dropped them off at daycare on the way to work. Their older "latchkey children" would now arrive back home after school to an empty home where they would gain their social skills from uncensored daytime television shows. Marxist agents in America, whose families had originally moved to the U.S. from Russia, secured powerful positions within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, where they soon designed a more "modern" and "progressive" curriculum to be taught in American classrooms. In 1953 schools in America ranked #1 in mathematics literacy among the worlds top 29 industrialized nations. By 2003 that position had been reduced to #24 due to a new Marxist-based curriculum mandated for use in public schools by the Department of Education. And with school prayer now outlawed in our nation's classrooms, the moral decay of America's youth soon more than tripled U.S. prison populations, as our nation's non-christian and socially disfunctional children grew into adults:


1980 U.S. Population 227 million
1980 U.S. PRISON Population: 304,000

2000 U.S. Population 282 million
2000 U.S. PRISON Population: 1,320,000


   Khruschev had proven himself to be a very clever strategist. He had successfully broken the structure of the American family, established a new Socialist curriculum for use in America's schools, and undermined the Christian education of America's children. Marxists also established many growing welfare entitlement programs within the American economy and Krushchev's clever plot to establish Socialism in America was now well on its way to completion. Very soon America's Marxist educated schoolchildren would advance into politics and their Socialist training would allow them to complete Khrushchev's dream of Communism in America: "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within."

    Many U.S. states had never enforced the requirements for positive photo ID when voting, particularly in major U.S. cities, and soon the use of mail-in ballots once permitted only for the military stationed overseas was expanded to now allow voters to avoid even having to show up at the voting booth, thus impinging upon the integrity of the voting process and opening the door for cheating and abuse in future elections. America's founders restricted voting only to those who fulfilled their responsibility to become contributing members of society. But in the modern world it was possible for anyone to vote in elections, including those who never worked or paid taxes, people receiving public welfare, and even jailed felons.

   Marxists were also successful in destroying the religious base of America's youth, who had been taught that the U.S. was a "democracy," where a majority vote could override even the supreme laws of God. The United States was created as a "Republic" operating under the laws of God, not a "democracy" operating under the laws of men. In it's fallen state, as a "democracy," women were not taught that God knew them in their mother's womb (Jer. 1:5), and thus had no problem disposing of a fetus. And men once taught to respect women, now viewed them only as objects of pleasure.


DECEPTION: Women's Liberation stemmed from Intellectualism.

THE TRUTH: Women's Liberation stemmed from Marxism.


   After WWII the partitioning of Germany into East and West zones clearly demonstrated the economic and social failures of atheist Socialism to a free world. Nikita Khrushchev however, was pleased with the success of his plan to turn America into a Socialist state, and America's moms were pleased to know that they'd no longer have to honor their vows to love, honor, and "obey" their husbands.

   The modern day Jacob Schiffs of Wall Street have once again funded and supplied Western high technology to an Asian nation to modernize its navy, and China now possesses the world's largest navy, far larger than the U.S. Navy. With American industrial plants now sent to Communist China, and U.S. factories totally disfunctional, could it be that New York bankers are planning to repeat Jacob Schiff's plot, by using China's Navy to defeat the U.S. Navy and topple the U.S. government? And would America's now empty factories be able to resupply the U.S. military?

   If you want to learn more about how a rich New York banker named Jacob Schiff used his money to successfully topple the government of Russia in 1917 and turn it into a Socialist state, click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.







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